Saturday, February 6, 2010

کَرتیر اَهورمَزد مگوپت , مردی در سايه

کرتير به چمه بُرنده و استوار

به نام دادار اورمزد فرَهمندِ اشو افزونى جهان اَستومَند

چندی بود که ميخواستم پرده از زندگی اين موبد ,تئوریسین و پيشوای پنهان در تاريخ که در جای جای پهنه بزرگ فرمانروايي شش شاهنشاه ساسانی ,نام و سيمای او در کنار انان و در سينه کوه ها بر چندين سنگ نگاره ديده ميشود بردارم . كرتیر در جايگاه هيربدی از هنگام پادشاهى اردشیر پاپكان وارد پهنه فرهنگی و دينی مى گردد وپس از شش پادشاه در آغاز پادشاهى نرسى در جايگاه ويژۀ کرتير هرمزان و بوختار(بختدار) روان بهرام, از ان ناپديد و سترده ميشود . من در اينجا چند بند از گفتار او را برگزيده و برگردان پارسی کردم تا او را بزبان خودش شناسيد .

هر که اين نسک و نامه بخواند، به ايزدان و خداوندگاران و روان خويش راد و راست باشد و نيز براى اين نيايش‏ها و کردار نيك و دين مزديسنى كه در دوران زندگى انجام شد پايدار باشد و از اين پس نافرمان نباشد و او اشکار بداند كه پرديس هست و دوزخ هست و كسى كه كرفه‏گر ( ثواب كار) است به پرديس مى‏رود و كسى كه گناهكار باشد به دوزخ افكنده مى‏شود و كسى كه كرفه‏گر باشد و بر كرفه كردن دلير باشد به آن تنِ استومند ( مادى) کامکار و نيکنامی رسد، چنان كه به منِ كرتير رسيد. تا به ان تن استومند گردی .
وانگاه که اييران تهی شد از ايين پارسا و ردپساک برفت و دروندي(گناهکاري) ايين زامياد شد که ايران شهر چاهی بود ترسناک بسيار پهن و بن ناپيدا پر از مار و کژدم و سوسمار و ديگر خرفستران.

آن گاه ايوانى پيداست، در آسمان پيداست و شهرياری سپيدگونه (درخشان) و آريه روان بر تختی زرين و چيدين به دست هويداست که درفش در دست دارد که ايزدان اشکار کرد که او پارساتر از ديگران بود
من كردير، تاكنون براى ايزدان و خداوندگاران و روان خويش بس رنج ديده‏ام و بسيار آتشها و مغان را در كشور ايران نيكبخت كرده‏ام در پارس، پارت، بابل‏ (آسورستان)، ميشان، نُودشهرگان يا نوشيرگان ( آديابن، آذربايجان، سپاهان‏ (اصفهان)، رى، كرمان، سيستان، گرگان، مرو، هرات، ابرشهر، تورستان، مكران، كوشان شهر تا پيشاور.

و در بيرون از ايران شهر ( انيران) نيز آتشها و مغانى را كه در كشورهاى انيران‏ بودند، به زاميادی كه اسبان و مردان شاهان شاه رسيدند: شهرستان انطاكيه، سرزمين‏ سوريه و آنچه وابسته به سوريه است، شهرستان ترسوس، سرزمين كليكيه و آنچه وابسته به كليكيه است، شهرستان قيصريه، سرزمين كاپادوكيه و آنچه وابسته به‏ كاپادوكيه است تا سرزمين يونان، سرزمين ارمنستان و گرجستان، الان، بلاسكان ( بالكان) تا دروازه الانان كه شاپور شاهان شاه با اسب و مردان خويش زد و چيره گشت. در اين جايها هم من به فرمان شاهان شاه آن مغ مردان و آتش‏هايى را در اين سرزمين‏ها بود مهتر كردم و نگذاشتم كه زيان و ويرانی باشد. و آنچه را كسى ويران كرده بود بازستدم و به سرزمين خود بازنهادم .

مرا موبد و داور همه سرزمين‏ها كرد و مرا «آئين بُد» و افسر و هوانگاه آتش ناهيد اردشير و همراه اناهيد بانوی ورجاوند در استخر كرد و مرا «كرتير رستگارنده روان بهرام موبد اورمزد خواند.

در گوناگون سرزمين ها در همه كشور، كارهاى اورمزد و ايزدان برتر شد و دين مزديسنى و مغان در كشور به چيرگي گرفت و به ايزدان و آب و آتش و گوسفند و چهارپايان سپيد در كشور، خشنودى بزرگ رسيد و به اهريمن و ديوان آزار بزرگ رسيد و كيش اهريمن و ديوان از شهر بيرون شد و آواره گشت.

به خواست ايزدان ,ان دسته از يهوديان بدخواه که دسمني کردند، شَمنان، برهمنان، نصارى، مسيحيان که دين مزديسني به سخره گرفتند، مغتسله و زنديقان با دادگری در كشورسركوب شدند و بتهايشان ويران و لانه‏هاى ديوان خراب گشتند و جايگاه و نشستنگاه ايزدان بنا گرديد.

اين نوشته (نامه) را به اين راه نوشتم، چون منِ كرتير از آغاز تاكنون، براى شهرياران و خداوندگاران نوشته و مهر بسيارى برپا کردم در راه ايين مزديسنی و بسيار نام خويش را در گوناگون جای برنوشته، پذيره و وپسدادنامه نوشته‏ام كه اگر كسى در زمان آينده،هر گونه كتيبه‏اى ببيند، بداند كه من آن كرتيرم كه در زمان شاپور شاهان شاه «كردير موبد و هيربد» خوانده مى‏شدم در زمان هرمزد شاهان شاه و بهرام شاهان شاه، پسران شاپور «كردير موبد اورمزد» خوانده مى‏شدم و در زمان بهرام شاهان شاه پسر بهرام ,كردير رستگارنده(منجي) و روان بهرام موبد اورمزد خوانده شدم.

اين برگردان بنا بر نوشته ژينيو و يادداشتهاى دکتر تفظلي, مكنزى و شروو و گُرنه گرداوری شده .
شادی افزون

Saturday, December 5, 2009

Friday, August 28, 2009

Me & Pluto, The journey to Aryenum

These are some random accounts and narratives of events in relation to my youth, revolution, private faith & Iran

The little boy opened the window to the back yard, his was the sign of sagittarius and in harmony with that autumnal night sky , purple dark and crisp,the cold wind driving the clouds ferociously and the stars that were playing the cat & mouse with the little fellow who all awhile was searching for Pluto, that tiny planet far far away, at the edge of the solar system.too tiny & too far to be noticed,,cold,neglected,ignored & unheeded . He was recalling Ms Tehranii class subject earlier that day on solar system and how among them all he felt sad & sorry for the plight of Pluto. It,s hard to say wether he found Pluto or she found him or if she was part of him all along, an avenging cause for the helpless ,ill-fated & ignored .He could never culminate nor alter the shape of heaven ,so eversince, his search for all little Pluto,s took an earthly shape & fashioned to side with souls & icons wrenched in misery,unjustly marginalized,subjugated & the forgotten.

As the boy matured & refined so did his ideals and his subconscious quest to do justice to all little plutos .The years passed by & his search to do right to Pluto continued in all facets of life and so did his yearnings to know more of the truth rather than the status quo reality.By the age twelve he had gone thru his dad's Shahnameh twice & eventhough he couldn,t grasp the meaning of some words he could sympathize with the forgotten ancient icons & the mystical creation of that persecuted lonely old man of Tousse. The random characteres paraded before his eyes,the injustice to Siavash,the burden of Rostam, the ill-fated Sohrab, Justice of Jamshid, the tyranny of Taazi Zahaak , the revolt of Kaveh,the revenge of Fereydoon, the chivalry of Farokhzaad & tragedy of Qadesiyeh ...................there he found it, his forgotten & oppressed Pluto, the legacy of Aryenum.

To rewind, at Seven, against all odds I discovered namaaz & Islam.I say against all odds since I was born into a family of so called patriots, a secular father & grand father who were career military officers ,nationalists and among other things veterans of cessationist wars in Azarbaijaan & Khuzistan and against the backdrop of a huge network of cousins,friends,brother & sisters who like the majority of society under Pahlavi were not keen on the idea of a 7 year old boy reading namaaz five times a day & shouting azaan from the rooftop to an unwilling audience of napping neighbors and their cursing words .

I can name a few culprits for my so called Islamic journey but the death of 2 cousins & a favourite aunt of breast cancer in a short span of time and the near miss suicide of my actress half sister had a lot to do with it which made me frightened & confused about the fate of the loved ones close to me such as my dad,mom,brother & sisters.It wasn,t about Hussein ibn Ali , Jaafar ibn Sadegh , Muhammad ibn abdullah or even Islam but the need for a medium to talk to God,to pray,to complain or repine or simply to find peace and Namaaz was the only viable option to a seven year old kid.I wasn,t seeking an Imam or a prophet but God and thru Islam I found it & refined it,s role in relation to me. One might say that Islam was the space ship I utilized to get to God & once I found it ,I got rid of the ship and the baggage by the age of 16 and said good bye to it and the Iran I once knew .I found true God & true Iran in their totality and worshiped them both via my own way and nightly words of pray.

But then again as I grew older Islam,Namaaz,Roozeh became just a routin arranged to my convenience and yet didn,t change the rascal in me one bit, outta boredom I would still sniper shoot fat bazaari kids & hajis with my tofang sachmeh gun from our rooftop during Imam Hussein Ashura & shaam gharibaan mourning processions while enjoying their baffling looks as they yelled "Zanboore!!,Zanboor"; "Beez , Beez" ,I would still on top of my allowance clean out my older sisters purse outta all the change they had just so I would lend it to them later with an added interest when they went broke, I would still at pre-teens hijack my dad,s car when sleep & take it for a joy ride , I would still utilize my handsome devil looks to rack up more girlfriends that I could handle just to keep the neiborhood & school title of "S** Khoshtiip" and I would still with the company of my five musketeer best pals populate the Italian soft porn shows in cinemas ,teenage parties ,copy Elvis & Travolta, Do Rocky's one hand push ups, play our soccer matches, cheer Persepolis against dastardly & dweeb Tajii,s and incessantly find ourselves in kharrazmi highschool principal's office for mischiefs....etc

Over all, life was good as it should be for all 14 & 15 year olds. Iran, then, was innocent,gullible, stupidly naive and a ripe fruit of prey for the dark forces of Qadesiyeh.In those years Islam was not judged by it,s message but by it,s messengers or earthly advocates to give it that humanist look such as the average old granny,the nice melody of recitation on radio & the happy go lucky youth like me .In short Islam was to an extent a semi private religion that fire of Ommatism turned it into a man eating beast , a dinner table knife sharpened by Ommaties to be used as a sword of war. It,s shortcomings was not yet exposed thru brute face of political Islam or the Ommatie stateless baffoons .

As early as I remember reading history was my favourite past time as was my dad's & his immence collection of books on history of Iran & the world helped me put light on the true concept of my heritage and was a stepping stone that set my path for years to come.So in essence, those early readings saved me from becoming yet another victim of Ommatism wether inside or outside Iran. Later as I grew older I read more,Dashtii,Hedayat,yah & even Samad's and the one which moved me the most were the books by great Kasrawi given to me by my older cousin Ardeshir ,an IIAF fighter pilot who like my other cousin Manouchehr ultimately lost his life during the war over the skies of Iraq in Suleymanieh & whose body was never recovered. You could therefore say that beloved Ferdowsi gave me cause and Kasrawi set my path.

And then came the revolution.To me the fifteen year old addict of discovery it was a novelty & a pretext for adventure yet I knew deep down as it progressed that Khomeini's claime of "there is more to Shariaa that meets the eye" was absolutly & positively fake and "there was absolutly nothing more to it that meets the eye and there is much less" . I knew it because I was the rare outsider in who was in on the game from an early age,semi fluent in Arabic & reciter of countless verses but was still too young & too ignorant to grasp the enormity of thebleak beast that awaited us or listen to my patriot dad who advised me on moderation .After all I was at the center of it all ,kharrazmi high school next door to university of Tehran.Me and all the other young clowns had our own agendas to venture into university grounds every day & play the cat and mouse with the guards.To me , my pals and thousands more it was more of a blind challenge than a case of romantic justice or idealism, we had no beef with Shah and were no lover of Khomeini .For us it was simply a good case for "jiim shodan", disrupting classes & chasing girls(or for girls the other way around ;).

To me the black comedy of revolution was watching my older 19 yr old bewildered & confused conscript cousin Kamraan every other day across the university gate among the guards & his Azari commander . I still remember his words to me "Tokhmeh sageh divaneh boro khooneh vagarnah beh amou migam", poor chap was frustrated and I felt sorry for him as he was no ideological warrior like a Sepahii or Basijii zombii, just a conscript stuck between ignorant bafoons on one side & army rules, on the other side.I would buy him a sandwich and chit chat a bit until commander usualy showed up to kick my ass & chase me away.

The revolution, the blood, the mayham, the loss of few classmates eventhough made me sad at times but overall was a time of joy & self discovery that by the end of it I was in contrast to the young buck who joined it.By the end of that Ommatie carnival I found my real path,my own true God &my true heritage against the backdrop of a majority mesmerized by their new found political Islam , their Imam and their "Islamic" pretence , a true dokaan . It was not me to watch ignorance and stay quiet & almost every week had a beef to grow with some random hezbollahi coming in my face...unbearable...So then just as I was saying good bye to my daily routin of Ash-had an ali an vallih allah it became fashion of the land and was being discovered by the hordes of ignorance and opportune to follow,to practice, to make money on , to take hostage on behalf & to kill for......So finally I made a deal with my God to teach him Parsi so I can stop talking to him in Arabic.

The musketeers all left & scattered all along the globe,
and then I left ,almost 16,alone,one month before the war and never went back but always looked back through out that journey thru triumph or defeat.

Wednesday, July 8, 2009

اين نام و دشمنانش

چامه ای در بهر ايران که چندی پيش سر هم کردم.شاد باشيد

بهر تو گويم من اکنون ,دشمن ايران زمين
اشکارا سام نشانی ميدهد تا لشکر دشمن ببين
من به رندی نام ايران را بقربانش روم
ول به پنهان ناسزا من بهر ان کورش دهم
من بباشم بچه ملا ,نام من سيد کذا
جد من درس خوارج خوانده در کرب و بلا
من به صد جد تخمم از قادص بود
دشمن کورش و دارا و اهورا پرس بود
من برايم فرق نيست مابين ايران و عراق
من بخوانم هر دو را امت ز واحد زير طاق
من اگر راهی شود ,اين نام را کرده دمر
برگزينم از برش نامی ز جدم ول عمر
من توانم بود پان ترکيست که شايد نام من قربان يوقول
جد من تخمک ز گرگان باشد و ايل مغول
من خوشم نايد که گويی جدم از ايران بود
از تبار اذر و اران و مهرافروز دين پاکان بود
کينه ای دارم فراوان بهر تاريخ کيان
بهر ان کورش و دارا و هر که بودش مهربان
من که تاريخم بباشد از نخست لخت و بری
پس کنم لوده چو فرهنگ اريايی و دری و پهلوی
کز ندارم کورشی کز نام او عيسی شنيد
ول ندارم من يه زرتشت کز که يونانی بديد
پس بشورم من ز نفرت بهر ان نام کهن
من بسازم من در اوردی يه تاريخی بره ان ترکمن
گر که دانم بابکان باشد ز بن ايرانيان
من دروغی گويم و بستم به نامش گرگکان
يا که شايد من بباشم امتی
نام من باشد يدالله يا غلام يا نعمتی
من ندانم اشکارا جد و آوادم کيه
آن زبان پيشينه و فرهنگ و دودمانم چيه
من فقط دانم که يادم داده اند از بچگی
گل بريزم بر سرم ,سينه زنم لبيک گويم جملگی
من امام غيب را کردم خودش پيغمبری
من بجايه ايزدان پرستش کنم حور و ضريح
چون نخواندم و ندانم بهر ايرانش ز جم
من چو بوزينه بخندم بهر پارسی گويش ال عجم
يا که شايد من بباشم يک چريک قربان علين
استالينيست خر سبيل کيسه کش رفيق لنين
من ادايه اينتلکت آرم که نام دوستم باشد فيدل
خاءنم من که دهم ان ميهنم به روسيه با جون و دل
من برايم ياد ان فرهنگ ايران همچو يک مشکل بود
چون گ ه ی نيستم خودم ,ايرانييت پشکل بود
يا که باشد نام من يک جاهدی مسعود نام
مريم و صغرا کنم خر و بيندازم به دام
من زنان صيغه کنم مغنع ببندم بر سرش
با سيا بازی بگويم من نباشم شيخکش
من بيارم لشگرم ان پرچم شير و کذا
گر که سی سال پيش کردم بهر تخ جمشيد و کورش ناسزا
پس بگويد بهر تو سام ,چامهٌ ان پير طوس
پند دادت يک هزار سالی گذشته چون ز دوست
کز ز اميزش ز تازی و ز ترکان و فروس
آيدت ايلی چو سان يک خر خروس
که نباشد او ز تازی يا ز ترکان يا فروس
او زند جفتک و قو قوولی کند همچون خروس

سام سام
کنون پند گيری ز سام سام همين
که او گويدت ساليان اينچنين
بيايد به روزی ز ويران زمين
ز فرياد ايرانيان راستين
به انبوه ان پرچمان ارغوان را بدست
که خواهند ايران ز ايين تازی برست
که گويند سيروس و کاوه و بابک تو را
ز جنبش ,درفش کاويانی به پا
نه شيخک پرستند, نه ال عبا
نه سردار قادص رضايي, و يا خاتمی الرضا
که انان بکندند سبز جامه از تن چنان
بپوشند سرخ جامگی بابکان زين پسان
بشورند ز بيداد ضحاک تازي, سيا لشگرش
بريدند مار ستمکار را از سرش
به فرياد گويند به مردم ز دنيا , انيرانيان
که زين پس اين سرزمين باشدش بهر ايرانيان
وزين گه ,ستم زندگی را به ايران بس است
زبان را و فرهنگ و نامان قادص ز ايران برست
هوا سرخ و زرد و کبود و بنفش
کنون پرچمم باشدش کاويانی درفش
من اين خاک کردم ز فرياد کورش به خشم
که ويران دگر باره ايران شود بهر رستم و رخش

سام سام

Sunday, May 31, 2009

ايران و ويران

من که تو باب تلويزيون ماهواره ای و جفنگيات لوس انجلسی و طهرانيش نيستم ولي يه جايي يه دو سه هفته پيش ازکنار يکيشون رد ميشدم گفتم بخندم گريه کنم يا شيشکی . که طهرانی و لوس انجلسی نداره ,از دم عجم برده و پيرو استاتوس کو و کهنه راه امتی . تنها چيزی که اين دو قلوهايه امتی رو از هم جدا ميکنه , رژ لب و ماتيک و يه کراواته وگرنه همه اصغر و صغرا . اينم يه سروده ای ابگوشتی از من برايه هم انديشان و همراهان ايران دوستم. خوش باشيد

کنون سام سرودی نويسد وزان پارسی
ز تازی بری ,چهرش آراستی
چکامه عرب فارس را ,کار آسان بود
که کودک سه ساله بر ان دان بود
اگر چامه گر ,قافيه کم بياورده ای
بدزدد عرب واژگان خرده ای

ايران و ويران

سام سام ,نپرستد , يه مشت خاک ز بن شور
گر جوهر ان خاک ز فرهنگ اييران بشود دور
اکنون بپزم بهر تو يک چامه ز ويران
انچه عرب امه به نيرنگ کند نامه ايران
ايران نه ز خاکست و نه باد است و درختان و چمنزار
نامش نه ز ابگوشت بيايد , نه خورش نار
فرٌش نه بيايد ز مغول يا ز يه سوسمار
ان ريشه نباشد ز بر اجعل و جاءل و جعلنار
ان نام نيايد ز بر شيخ خراباتی و مولا
يا از پسر و تخم و تره ,جنگ جلولا
پس گوهر نامش تو بجويد بره ان يار
ان کورش انشان, که ارامگهش دشمن ايری بکند زار
ان نام بيايد ز فرهنگ دليران
ان توده وارسته و افسر به جهان ,مردم ايران
ان نام چو يا ديست ز ماد و پرس ,سگزي و اشکان
چون خوی به نيکي , ز پندار و اموزش زرتشت به نياکان
ان نام بيامد چو ز هنگام خجسته
از مردم اراسته پيراسته و فرهنگ گسسته
ان گوهر نامش بيايد به برت بهر زبانش
ان گويش پارسي , نه تازي و لسانش
سام سام به کنون کرده تو هشيار به گفته
تا معنی ايران تو بداني, ز ويرانه آن , امٌت خفته

تاريخ پس از جنگ عرب و قادصی چون کُ .. شعره
ان تاز الفبا و زبانه عربو ,فارسيش خود کُ سه شعره
جز بابک و يعقوب ,ابومسلم و مزيار
ان غزنويان , سل جغٌيان, شاه صفي, نادر و عباس ک شعره
جز رازی و فردوسی و رودک و دقيقی و به چندی
ان چامه سرا مدحننا شيخننا ملا ثنا نصيحنا اون کُ شعره
جز نام,سپاهان و ز کرمان و خراسان و ز گيلان و ز شيراز و لرستان
جز کرد و مدان , اذر و خوز و ماهان و سکستان
ان تربت حيدر , فرج اباد و نغی نون به تقی داد کاکاف اون کُ شعره
جز پرستش ايزد به مسلمان و کليمی و به زرتشت و ز ترسا
ان سينه زنی ,سفره ابوالفضل و فال بر حضرت شيخ حفظ ک سه شعره
گر نام خود اری ز اييران پرستان
از کيسه ايران بزنی سينه زنی در نجفستان و فلستان برو اون ک شعره
گر تو بروی ابوظبی بهر يه کنسرت
جنگت به عرب بهر خليج عربش اين ک سه شعره
گر صد به نود تو گفته ات واژه تازيست
ان سفره هفت سين و نوروز, دستبند فروهر, پُز فيروز بخون اون ک شعره
پايان چکامه من بگم بهر چو فرهنگ
ان ناز و ادا ايرانييم, عرب نييم اون ک شعره

سام سام

Friday, March 20, 2009

True Iran victory over Zahaak

my little video animation

Saturday, March 14, 2009

تو ای کورش تو نوروزت خجسته

my little poem dedicated to all true patriots & Iran doostan world wide

تو ای کورش تو نوروزت خجسته

کمر گرچه ز ايرانت شکسته

اگر ضحاکيان شاهند ز ويران

بدان سام سام خداوند اييران ميپرسته

اگرچه پيکرت را زير خاکيست

اگر تخم عرب ارامگهت را بی خياليست

به تو گويند فرزندان ايران

ز کيش پور بهرام،دخت شيران

ز شيرازو،ری ناوند و تهران

که مهرت بر دلم،دوری چه باکی ست

بگويندت همی ای کورش انشان

که دادی کشورم نامش ز ايران

بدون ياد تو خسرو و دارا

بدون بابک و افشين و ارا

نماند نامی از ايران و کسرا

بماند تا ابد ملا و صدرا

بگويم پس همی امروز و هر روز

به ياد اريا کورش و پيروز

که هم ميهن تو نوروزت به شادی

به کوری چشم دشمن او سيه روز

اگر هم بچه ملا سويت امد

ز نوروزت به شادی خوش درامد

تو با خنده و لوده بر سرش نال

برو که روزييت ز عمامه برامد

بگويش ای سيا باز, بچه خر کن

ز تخ جمشيد, خلخالييت بدر کن

Monday, March 2, 2009

Alexander & Dāriūš III

After his long search , Alexander finding the body of the King Darius III .

Thursday, February 26, 2009

Sunday, February 22, 2009

True Iran will survive once more

A little video mix I set up in a hurry , Music is not the ideal but it does the job for now..hope u all like it..cheers!!!

Monday, February 16, 2009

True Iran thru the passage of time , Cyrus to Ferdowsi

A few yrs ago Me and couple of my old college buddies ,storm,snk, coded a few fun motion graphic projects in 3d . here I mixed it up with slides...cheers!!!

Thursday, February 12, 2009

Saturday, January 31, 2009

10 Commandments on being a true Iranian

A tiny poem I wrote a while back
in pure Parsi unlike Arabo Farsi
Abgooshti poetry of kharabati
shaikhs & Shaikhaks

Cheers & Enjoy Patriots!!!

تو ای ان مادر و بانودخت ايران
ز سام سام پند گير راه اييران
به ده فرمان سام سام گر شوی زور
بدان دشمن و ديوان را کنی کور
گرت اينده ان دخت و پوورت در ميان است
بدان اين پند وز سام سام که از فرزانگان است
مراد من وز امت ,ان عرب نيست
عرب هم ادمی باشد چو همزيست
فرهنجيدن به فرزندت بياموز
در او ايين مهران را بيافروز
به يک, انداز دور ان نام تازی
چه به ، گر نام فاميل هم ببازی
که نام پارسی بر دخت و پوورت
به او گويد نمالد تخم ان شيخک و تازي
ز نام ايد که همسايه شناسد
تو را از ديگران و شيخ بازی
اگر ترکی ،خيالی نيست ای دوست
تو فرزندت بنام ،بايرام و چنگووس
به دو ، پاکيزه کن ان خوييشت را
سترون کن تو پارسی گويش ات را
که گر پارسی نويسی در بر مهر
تو شادش ميکنی ان کورش ات را
به سه ، تو پس نيايش کن خدا وان ايزد ايير
اگر هم باشه ای مسلم,کليمی و يا ز هر تير
پرستش کن تو او ,ان ايزد جان
که به باشد ز هر ملايه کژسان
تو دين و مذهبت در خانه ات زار
نماز و روزه ات در کلبه ات دار
چو بيرونت شدی از خانه ات روز
دگر ايرانی هستی از به اين بار
به چهارم، پاره کن تاريخ ايران
پس از ان قادسی ننگين و ويران
که ان تاريخ ايرانت نباشد
کز ان مهری به يزدانت مباشد
اگر هم همچنان ديوان شيخت را بدستی
ز من پرسی که گويم ,خاک بر سر
تواکنون همچنان , گاو و خر هستی

شيش تا فرمان ديگه مونده بدهکاريه ما ..يه روزه ديگه... و بيک اينا رو رونويسی کنيد
و پاکنويس و اگه بچه خوبی بوديد و ياد گرفتيد اون شيش تايه ديگر رو يکاريش ميکنم

Saturday, January 10, 2009

True Iran & Virus of Ommatism Part 2

Above portrait is of Hafiz & Plotonius .

For the love of God & the sake of beloved true Iran .

Az maast keh bar maast ;

Earlier in the first part of these series , I went thru a brief review of those immortal nomadic tribes whose journey from the south Arctic along Aral mountains gave birth to their destiny in a land they later called Aryanum/Eran . In it , I put light on the essence of what it meant to be an Irani & the original purpose behind that statehood , identity & psyche .

And then came Qadesiyeh . As a spiritual person & a strong believer in the absolute logic behind being , the God all knowing, without the divisive baggage of religion , I do believe if only we had accepted Islam & it,s one God, without the cancer and virus of Ommatism , the godfather of every thing that ailes this culture , we might have had a chance to preserve still a large chunk of our psyche /language & heritage . It,s not Islam ,a private religion , that is the problem or equates to Ommatism . The problem is the corrupted icing on the cake aka Ommatism, that brought us The khallife , Jazieh, Taghieh, Sufism, kharabati poetry, Sanaii, Ohadi , Al Massudi , Shaikh Attar, Fakhrodin Eraghi , Abu Saiid ,Molavi , Jammi, Shabestari , Hafiz , abu bakr Razi , the Mullah, Majlesi, Safavid, Ghajar, self-pity mentality , seeking foreign messiahs in conmen of Karbala , Mogol hords, Britain & Soviet Union & so on .

The virus of Ommatism ;
How did we get here & who were the culprits

What was it that transformed a Medeo-Persian nation of free men & women with traits of self-sufficience , self-confidence , self-worth , self-knowledge , adventurism , pragmatism , challenge , ethics & mastery into a failed dual-identity nation falling in gradual abyss of self pity , leaving her destiny to fate , obediance to Pan-Arab psyche , seeking messiah among the occupiers , promoting alien icons , writing in their language & alphabet , naming their kids after occupiers , being content with staus quo , indifference , blaming the victim , praising the subjugator , choosing the easy way out , mistaking friends & foes , welcoming enemies as liberators , leaving foreigners to decide for us & blaming our ills on the first easy target to get away facing our true self in the mirror & be accountable !!! .

Indeed the line from Sufi poet shaikh mohammad Koofi says it all that " mongols were the hands of God who came to put us Ajams straight for our sins as Muslims disrespectful of ahl-al-bait " . Could it get any worse than this for total obediance to foreign subjugation & rubbish ! .
Ommatism is the godfather of all other ism,s that ails this nation . In essence Sufism , Kharabati, Darvishgari(ommatized type Nihilism) , Jabrigari ,Ezzat al Arab supremacy & so on , are all sub-sets of this poisenous virus . How did we get here & who were the culprits !!!.
Except for a few beloved icons such as Ferdowsi , Daghighi & roudaki on , Indeed the majority of master culprits were the collective ilk of so called Ommati elites or as I call them weak links of Kharabati/sufi/rhymists(Ghafieh band) philosophers, poets, writers post-Sassanid Iran that purposely and at times unintentionaly thru their writings became mere tool of Ommatism , Pan-Arab mastery , inaction & hopeless mentality . Later , I will passingly review the message & character of these so called preachers of Ommatism & expose some of them who were in truth, conmen dressed in robes playing with the psyche & self-worth of generation after generations of Iranians via their empty rhythmic poetry , mumbo jumbo witchcraft , fictional glorification of mere beings , exageration in praise of power , importation of Arab vocab & psyche into our language and culture & erasing patriotism by preaching indifference to worldly matters .

Contrary to popular belief , Post-Qadesiyeh / Arab conquest Iran(V-ran) eventhough defeated & in despair , was still largely culturaly/liguisticaly intact & Iranic . How ever After many ensuing heroic Iranian uprising & continious supression of a few generations by Arab Khallifes , the new reality gave birth to a nation largely devoid of a clear path , self-identity , self-worth & morals . The stage thus was ripe for opportunists and weak links to come in and present another so called viable version of our world view in the form of imported ideas to justify inaction and despair , kharabati style nihilism & pouch garaii .

Greek philosopher Plotonius & his like minded comrades believed in this paganist crock that we are all part of God , separated from him only temporarily in the universe & our priority must be always to disregard & ignore the worldly matters , yearning to return to God . Now , to Sassanid Iran as masters of the half-world these elitist mumbo jumbos could not have found followers since the Irani psyche believed in seperation of Man, God entity and Man,s choice to form his/her destiny while all along being mindfull of God all knowing as a watchfull all rightious entity . But as fate has it , post-Sassanid Iran facing despair & dual-identity was ripe for these once irrelevent nonsense and hence with the translation of Greek works into Arabic by the likes of Ibn-Moghafah and solidification of Pan-Arab mastery in Iran , these set of ideas found their ways gradualy back into Iranic psyche thru half-Arab kharabati/Sufi poetry , writings , philosophy of later opportunists who holified fictional mumbo jumbos & khorafat of the likes of Sufi Shabali & Bayazid into innocent minds of Irani audience all along importing thousands of Arabic words into our vocab & making Parsi a mere Arabic dielect .
In effect Ommatism is a form of infidelity since Ommatists believe that we are all one God (unity of being) or as shaikh Ali moazzen wrote" maa zaateh zaveljelaleh khodavandeh akbarim" .

One of the names among many that pops out is the misguided Rouzbeh aka Ibn Moghafah of Iranic/Zororostrian heritage who accompanied the trend and wrote the first Arabic grammer , translated Greek philosophy into Arabic and thus set the stage for an unintentional treachery that opened the door for thousands like him to use Arabic medium to spread & glorify indifference to Iranic heritage & psyche . Ommati revisionists such as khosravi call him a hero !!! . I feel the reality of times that he lived under but to me he was the symbol of misguided priorities no matter how patriotic he might have felt his work might be . He had a choice just as great Ferdowsi did to choose his priority . In my vocab there is only one name that comes to mind "a misguided promoter & enabler of Pan-Arab agenda" .

These jobless , pain free, some times khallife hugging , sometimes pedophile , kharabati lust chasers & beggers like Abu Saiid or shaikh Attar & alike whose soul purpose in life was sitting for months without a care at hand to complicate simple concepts of life into nonsensical rhythmic poetry and philosophy to disown responsibility & take action in the face of tyrany & oppression , leaving it for Mongol khans , khallifs & foreigners to avenge for us or to rule over us . It is a sad reality that later copy paste elites & Ommati protege turned these empty rethoric & ghafieh band characters into messianic icons and untouchable saints by adding more myth & glorification to keep the innocent minds of Irani youth busy with baseless khorafat , yavehgoii & pure rubbish .

Funny thing that some of these poetry is done simply for the sole purpose of ghafieh bandi & rhymes and no real concept behind it but later on as our Ommati psyche has it, the elites read a ton more into it than there actualy was , just like gloryfying icons beyond their mere being such as this piece from Hafiz which I read in another book ;

Beh azameh tobeh sehr goftam estekhareh konam bahar tobeh shekan miresad cheh chareh konam

To repent , I asked God almighty,s permission

what ? Do you need god permission to repent for your sins ? . No pal , this is simply as the writer pointed out an excuse for Hafiz to rhyme estekhareh & cheh chareh , pure and simple .

Common sense & intelligence is another victim of Ommatism & as Molana shamsedin says " When true love comes , mind & intelligence are refugees of irrelevence as they should be" . Hence we see generations falling for conmen preachers of Karbala & shaikh glory to distract them from matters at hand & governance of their nation . In effect in absence of khallife occupation , the Ommatism & it,s cultural agents became the tool & guardians of Pan-Arab , language, culture, legacy & eternal rule over Iran . The preachers , brainwashed generations thru pretty poetry and writings into being indifferent to their heritage , their future and the past , not bother with independence of mind , not make an effort to change status quo & in short , let Shaikh&Sultan decide , mentality . Don,t worry , be happy .

The reason Iranic psyche gave in to oppression of foreign elements post-Sassanid such as Mongols is well explained by act of Sufi Safavid importing Arab shaikhs of Jabal Amel Lebenon to master over the fate & religion of their Irani natives . Further on , The Ommatist virus gradualy chewed away at the border lines of our Iranic identity & patriotism to the point that we could not diffrentiate between what is Iran & Aniran(non Irani), our self identity replaced with a vague dual-identity & our psyche programmed into Ommati indiffrence & worshiping foreign entities / foes against our own interests so that at the time of Mongol invasion , we were lambs waiting to be slaughtered . This is where Salman Parsi is a revered hero & Babak is a dirty infidel , Ferdowsi is a chauvenist & Shaikh Eraghi is a saint .

Is it any surprise then that the British helped promote this imamzadeh culture to keep Irani busy with rubbish & from all places , London royal printing house kept printing Ommati/kharabati poetry books in Farsi during Ghajar rule for internal consumption in Iran while banning shahnameh khani in Fars & bushehr thru it,s Anglo Imams !!!. Surprising that even during Pahlavis , the Ommati guardians of status quo in cultural centres kept feeding the same mumbo to the receptive minds of youth which finally gave birth to a by-product of Ommatism , IRI(IRV) .

In the final part of these series ,time permitting , I will disect into more details about our language , heritage & a passing note of the role of stockholm syndrom among most of our beloved female gender & their subconscious fierce defence on behalf of status quo culture .

God , Country , beliefs


Monday, December 29, 2008

True Iran & Virus of Ommatism Part I

Above image ; An Egyptian textile 620AD depicting Sassanid King Khosru Parviz battle with Ethiopians in Yemen.

H.G.Wells once wrote " Among many races & cultures , Irani gene & spirit has travelled far & away beyond it,s borders as a universal gene & especially on the many faces of our European heritage ""

Todays world by far owes a big chunk of it,s identity both physicaly & spiritualy to old Iranic tribes & legacy yet it is pitiful that we have minimized her great heritage to a few small timer shaikhs & their petty ideas .

It,s not far fetched to claime that todays Europe and specificaly France , Spain & Balkans foundation was largely built via direct effect both physicaly & culturaly of Iranic tribes of old Iran . Now let us first disect a tiny bit of that immence memory .

Looking at those long forgotten names of our once kinzmen tribes of old Iran ,those ancient tribes who thru their long gradual journey from Arctic along Ural mountains to their chosen final destiny Ayrianum, centuries later gave birth to a legacy age old & everlasting . Here, you can truly relate to what Mr Wells meant . Names like the Caucuses north western tribes of Alans , Iberians(Uraniah lake) , Alebanians , Sarmatians(Iranian Sarumatah,"Archer" ) , Scythians(Sag-zian) or Dahaei,s of east Caspian & Amu darya . Nomadic tribes of Iranic heritage who spoke the various dialect of their Medeo-Persian cousins ,served along them , lived as far down as Kermanshah & as north as Volga river ,called themselves sons of Oreaya(Arya) or Iron(Aryan) and later scattered across the globe as fate of invasion by Huns,Avars and Arabs have it .

Caucuses mountains region (Capra Cansacica) is called the melting pot of Iranic blood and spirit. Every bit of Caucuses smells of our iranic heritage . Look at Georgians whose name derives from the river named Kirus (Kur, Kyrus, Cyrus) that waters their land south of Suanes and hence were later called Kurgians and Georgians .

Look at Alans (Alooni in mid-persian) who around 380AD over run by Huns in Darband , Araan & Arax river (Astarah) moved west headed by their chieftain Goar of Iron(dialectical form of Aryan) lineage joined Germanic Vandals & Sueves crossed across Ukrain, river Danub & Rhine captured Toulouse(France) & founded the first truly french kingdom of Orleans(Oyr) 418AD ,established, later on in 455AD joined their late arrival Iberian Iranic kinzmen joined with Germanic Vandals & Visigoths moved to Spain and established the first Iberian kingdom of Galacia . Unopposed the tribes moved past Granada and into North Africa & established their kingdom Decimum & Carthage 478AD to last for 150 yrs . their thirst for more land , landed their king Gaiseraj into Corsica Island & sacking of Rome in 485AD .

It,s no surprise that Today,s Serbs & Croats and some Lithuanians claime Iran as their original motherland because of their Sarmatian(Sarumata "Archer" mid-persian) heritage & remember their first chieftain as Sarmatea-oask . For more just check my earlier blog under "Video Serbo Croatians ranting their Irani Origins " . The same facts holds true for Scythians(Saka) & Alebani effects on Ukrain & south Balkan countries . Albania(Alebani?) also no direct research is done to prove the link .

It,s worthy of notes to also our presence in Yemenites & Omman which happen to have the most iranic genes & customs in contrast to all Arab countries .

Now, what it means to be Iran;

Beyond Antioch & south of River Tenaise (todays chechnia) thru all the history of Greece & Rome , lay that almost secret Empire Aryaneum, Eran-Shatr/Shahr, Eran , Land of Aryans which for a thousand years had stood off expanding Europe, Asiatic & Bedoin hordes , never forgetting her Medeo-Persian-scythio heritage , Achamenead glory, slowly healing from the Parthian -Roman wars & proudly safeguarding the unique culture of Sassanid renaissance of new Eran .

I am not going to talk about Great Cyrus , darius , Xerxes , Artabanus , Parthia , Artashtir, Shahpour , victorious Khosru Parviz or the extent of our empire and 43 nationalities from Egypt to india to Greece & todays Bulgaria that that came under it, but, about the psyche of that Medeo-Persian proud nation .

Ammanius the Roman Historian calls the Sassanid Iran ; a country of thousand towns Rai, Ekbataneh, Estakhr, Mosulius(Mosul) Susa, Selucia & magnificent on , Persians as all slender , often handsome, some what lighter than Greeks ,some what darker than Gauls , with comely beards & long hair , easy grace , with a flair for dangerous sport & splendid dress ,enthusiastic , but quickly alert , very proud , knowing their Persian lineage intimately ,ridiculing Pagan romans ... they wear tunics of wool & silk , . All clases love colors , women wear boots and breeches & ornaments . Kings distiguish themselves with red shoes , blue trousers and a headdress with an inflated ball or the head of a beast .

The typical Persian was galliantly impulsive ,, free men/women who spoke their mind in war & peace , Stood on sides of their king & not behind them , rather crafty than couragious , kept their enemies at long range , the poor drank beer but almost all other classes prefered wine , worshiped one God yet kept their caremonies most private , pedestry & prostitution was rare compare to Romans & Greeks , telling lies(Drujj) was the greatest sin , keeping land & rivers clean was their keenest deeds , their manners more refined than their northern kinzmen the Saka , Mars not Venus was the God of love , Every occasion was used for ceremonies to bring joy with awesome rites , The wife could divorce her husband for reasons of cruelty or desertion , Concubines were permitted but not in private residence of the man and his wife which was exported to Islam later , Persian women were exceptionaly beautiful and Anirani men had to be guarded from them . Past time was spent playing chogan, Polo , Archery, horse racing , chess , ball games , hunting . Every Irani found music necessary to conjoin as part of their religion, love & war . Persians enjoyed their songs accompanied with instruments such as flute , lyre, pipe, guitar ,horn & drum . the persian was a cosmopolitan citizen in love with story telling & reciting the adventures of his/her contemporary kinzmen & forefathers in foreign lands & heroic victories .

In short the Iranian was the quintessential free man/women of the old world , master of his universe & subject to no one but loyalty to his/her heritage . An adventurist , with self-worth, self-confidence with no self-pity , self-knowledge , self-reliance ,mentality of challenge , mastery against foreign subjugation & a staunch defender of truth . His/her king was not a blood thirsty foreign tyrant or khallife calling him a serf or an Ajam but to spread his motherlands legacy across foreign lands . As a citizen he/she was equal among equals and only finance set him/her apart among his/her kinzmen . Yes he felt at home in his Eran as an Irani .

And then came Qadesiyeh . If only we had accepted Islam & it,s one God, without the cancer and virus of Ommatism , the godfather of every thing that ailes this culture , we might have had a chance to preserve still a large chunk of our psyche /language & heritage . It,s not Islam a private religion that is the problem, it,s the corrupted icing on the cake aka Ommatism, that brought us The khalife , Jazieh, Taghieh, Sufism, kharabati poetry, Sanaii, Ohadi , Massudi , Shaikh Attar, Fakhrodin Eraghi , Abu Saiid , Jammi, Shabestari , Hafiz , abu bakr Razi , the Mullah, Majlesi, Safavid, Ghajar, self-pity mentality seeking foreign messiahs in conmen of Karbala , Britain & Soviet Union & so on ...

Hope this will answer future questions as regards to what Iranic values mean to me .more or less. I have missed a lot more topics to cover but as one would guess, time is of the essence . may be some other time .
continued ......ahh my back..

Monday, May 26, 2008

The Scythians

Scythians (saka, Sagzian) Iranic tribe Cuacuses.Today Ukrainian,South Slavs

Parthian and Sassanid rulers

Cool Video

Monday, May 19, 2008

Ancient Iran

Pahlavi Avesta



Pahlavi Tagh Bostan

Simorgh found in Khosrou fort

Valerian-Khosrou anu Shirvan


Sassanid Guards

Sasanid soldiers



Pahlavi Mid Persian Alphabet

KhosrouII Defeated by Heraclius Roman Emperor.Roman drawing
In Constantinopolis .

Sassanid Fort in Darband Russia.

CyrusII The Great King of Kings,Son Of Anshan
.King Of Hearts & Minds Of Persians.
Ancient Hebrew drawing.

Eyvan Kasra. Iraq

King Shahpour.7 Feet tall statue .Fars cave


Cave inside

Bishapur mosaic Persian Princess

Bishapur Relief

BahramII Sarvestan summer Palace.Beautiful star studded night.

Ardeshir I _Coins